Fundamental Tai Chi Concepts and Principles important for all styles. See the Services/Training page and LINKS page for lots of great info. on the HEALTH BENEFITS of learning Tai Chi. Click HERE for more information from the Mayo Clinic on the benefits of learning Tai Chi and HERE to watch a video for more on the health benefits of Tai Chi and QiGong. See also the Integrative Health Options page for more specialized info. on the health benefits and applications of the arts and HERE to see a clip of Mike demoing Tai Chi Self Defense Applications at Expo10 in Atlantic City.

Click HERE for more information on the Butterfly Tai Chi Foundation Curriculum including video and much more great info. on the benefits of Tai Chi Training.

More key Tai Chi Essentials from the famous teacher Yang Cheng Fu, who first made the art public and is hugely influential.

Everyone can benefit from Tai Chi Training, stop by to try a class anytime on Mondays from 600-730pm in Wethersfield, CT. CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO SEE SIFU MIKE DEMONSTRATING RARE NG STYLE TAI CHI.

Diagram of Tai Chi Concepts and Philosophy from ancient Daoist teachings. No worries, one need not be a philosopher or fighter to learn- EVERYONE is able to learn something and benefit from Tai Chi, see the Services/Training page and LINKS for much more great info. on Tai Chi and the other arts offered by Butterfly Martial and Healing Arts, est. 1997.

Diagram outlining a variety of important Tai Chi Methods and Concepts.

 Ultimate softness leads to ultimate hardness, ultimate slowness leads to ultimate speed, and ultimate compassion leads to ultimate wisdom- letting go to gain and using the soft to guide the hard- are important concepts and practices in the Way of Tai Chi. We begin with purification, cleansing and letting go of that which is no longer needed and serving our Highest Good. This path of Dao, the Watercourse Way, was illuminated by Lao Tzu and other ancients from China and other similar teachers the world over, and is alive today- under our feet and in our hearts, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.

The Sage we know as Lao Tzu, known by many names the world over, such as Kung Fu Tzu. His Dao De Jing is one of the most influential works ever written, especially in the Chinese arts such as T’ai Chi Ch’uan (Taiji Quan), as well as many others and in all phases of Chinese culture.