Daruma (Bodhidharma) by the famous “Sword Saint” Miyamoyo Musashi.

 Venerable Bodhidharma, the 28th Patriarch of Buddhism in direct line back to Gautama Buddha himself, who transmitted Chan/Zen Buddhism at the Shaolin Monastery in Dengfeng County, Henan Province, China. His teachings were and have been hugely influential in the Asian martial arts and yogic traditions, leading to the expression, “all martial arts under Heaven arise from Shaolin.” The Shaolin Martial Arts are one of the Jewels that are known as the Three Treasures of Shaolin.”

Pagoda’s in the forest near the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng, China. Mt. Songshan and Shaolin are UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES. https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1305